LEAD Network Privacy Notice for Photography and Filming

Dated 15 April 2024

This Privacy Notice explains who we are, the activities of LEAD Network, how we use the photographs and filmed footage we take, our lawful bases for processing, our relevant retention periods, and how you can exercise your privacy rights.

This notice provides information that is in addition to any photography and film privacy notices, consent forms and signage which may have been in place at the time photography / filming took place.

Please do read this notice to understand our practices and if you have any questions, please contact us using the contact details provided below.

This privacy notice does not apply if you were a contracted / paid model for LEAD Network as LEAD Network therefore reserves the right to use the photographs / filmed footage.

Who we are

Throughout this notice, “we”, “our” and “us” refer to LEAD Network, a not-for profit and volunteer-led organisation, run by and for our members, women and men. We value every individual for their unique perspective. With a focus on promoting gender equality, we strive for the advancement of women of every race, ethnicity, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, educational background, national origin, religion, physical ability, and lifestyle.

LEAD Network is the Data Controller in respect of the personal data you provide when you register as a member and to attend a LEAD Network event.

LEAD Network is registered as a Data Controller with the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegeven). We manage personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and LEAD Network’ Data Protection Policy.

Ensuring you know that photography or filming is taking place

Wherever possible we will ensure you know when photography or filming is taking place in the following ways:

  • Advance notice of our intention to photograph / film within the event registration process.
  • Comprehensive signage at prominent locations, entry and exit points to the event and/ or notice given upon event sign-in.
  • Making sure our photographers / videographers are always clearly identifiable.

The personal data we process

  • Photographs and filmed footage
  • Where you have given us your consent, and as applicable, your name, job title, and company name.

Please note that filmed footage or quotations may be edited to keep them concise. We will not change the meaning of what you have said when editing.

Where any other personal data is collected, you will have been specifically informed of this at the point of photography and filming.

The purposes of our photography and filming

The photographs and film footage we capture are used for our marketing and promotional purposes; this includes:

  • Promoting specific LEAD Network initiatives explained at the point of photography or filming; and
  • Promoting LEAD Network, our events, our activities, and the benefits of becoming a member or partnering with us to various audiences, including the public.

The recipients or categories of recipients of the personal data

The photographs and filmed footage we capture will likely be placed into the public domain. This includes within LEAD Network publications, printed media, our website and Member Platform, social media accounts, and other public domain advertising.

As such, published photographs / film are available to anyone who has access to the website, social media channels or printed materials etc in which the photo or video features.

Aside from our contracted photographers / videographers, the original photographs and filmed footage will only be accessible to employees and contractors of LEAD Network, or third parties that process data on our behalf (e.g. printing providers, website developers, digital asset management suppliers etc.).

Our lawful bases for processing

We will seek your consent to photograph / film you at each LEAD Network event. This will be done either using a paper-based consent form, or electronically at the point at which you complete the event registration process.

We will make every effort to ensure you are aware when photography / filming is taking place and to minimise any privacy impact, for example, by using ‘depth of field’, and distance / framing to avoid direct identification. However please be aware, occasionally you may be more prominently featured within the photographs / filmed footage.

Withdrawing consent or opting out

Prior to or during an event

If you are attending an organised event at which there may be photography or videography taking place, our event registration form may ask whether you wish to opt into photography / filming. Please use this option at the point of registration.

If you change your mind and wish to opt-out prior to the event, you can either let us know by contacting operations@theleadnetwork.net stating which event you will be attending and when, or login to the Member Platform and amend your preference in My events (select event) > See order > Edit.

For large events such our Annual Conference, we may provide you with a badge, armband, lanyard, or other discreet identifier, so our event photographers / videographers are aware that you have opted out or withdrawn your consent. We will make every effort not to capture or retain any photographs / filmed footage of you.

If you have not been able to let us know in advance or have any questions or concerns at an event, please direct these to the photographers / videographers on site. We will ensure that the event photographers / videographers will be clearly identifiable.

Post event

It you wish to withdraw your consent or opt-out post event, once photography / filming has taken place, please write to operations@theleadnetwork.net with the subject line: ‘Withdrawal of consent for photography / filming’, stating: your name, the event you attended and date.

Where we are unable to identify you, we may have to ask you to provide a recent photograph to assist us to complete the deletion. This will also be securely disposed of once disposal of photographs / filmed footage has taken place.

Please note, although we will stop using your image in current and future publications that we control, we will not be able to remove any printed copies which have already been published and are out in the public domain. Withdrawing your consent / opting out will not affect the lawfulness of any processing we conducted prior to your withdrawal.

Data retention

We will retain personal data for no longer than is necessary, after which time we will dispose of the photographs / filmed footage or seek to refresh your consent. We will seek to refresh your consent using the contact information provided within the original consent form.

Where such a consent form has not been used, we will use and retain photographs / filmed footage for no longer than is necessary, at which point we will dispose of it. Please note that after deletion, the images or footage may still appear in materials already in circulation prior to this date.

Your rights in respect of your personal data

Your rights under the General Data Protection Regulation include:

  • Right of access – You have the right to see the personal information we hold about you. This is called a Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) and can be made by writing to our Chief Operating Officer.
  • Right to rectification – If we do hold information about you, you can ask us to correct or amend any inaccurate or incomplete information by contacting us in writing at the address below. We will either make the requested amendments or provide an explanation as to why we are not making changes.
  • Right to object and right to restriction of processing – If you object to processing, we will restrict the processing of your information for the purpose to which you are objecting whilst we review your objection.
  • Right to erasure – You have a right to request the deletion of your information in advance of our standard retention periods. We will delete this information unless there is a lawful reason for the information to be retained.
  • Right to data portability – This right has been introduced to make it easy to move someone’s personal data to a new service provider. The personal information must be transmitted in a structured, machine-readable and compatible electronic format.
  • Rights regarding automated decision-making, representation and compensation – You have the right not to be subjected to a decision that is based only on automated processing, including profiling.


How to contact us

We hope that you have found this information helpful but if you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Chief Operating Officer who will be pleased to help you.

Chief Operating Officer
LEAD Network
Keizersgracht 241
1016 EA Amsterdam
