The CEO Pledge

A public pledge to accelerate gender parity and drive inclusion in the European Retail & CPG value chain.

Transformation through diversity

Why sign the CEO Pledge?

Signing a public pledge brings accountability to your organisation and shows that you take DEI issues seriously. To date, over 50 industry CEOs have signed this pledge.

  • Demonstrate your commitment to DEI to your employees, stakeholders, and the broader public

  • Create accountability for your company by signing the pledge amongst the world’s leading brands

  • Contribute to building a stronger, more diverse organisation that represents everybody

“The CEO Pledge is a ‘seal’, a public commitment.”

“It’s very important that the CEO Pledge is signed by as many companies as possible. LEAD Network is a great platform to support best practice sharing and progress monitoring. It’s no longer a one-off company move, but instead an industry-wide movement, where members support each other and are united to tackle challenges and find solutions. The CEO Pledge is a ‘seal’, a public commitment, showing the company believes in diversity and will make it happen.”

Antonio Coto

Former CEO of DIA Group and corporate advisor

Your trusted DEI Partner

Join more than 40 leading companies in signing the Pledge